What is Account Based Marketing?
With the traditional approach to B2B marketing, you blast out the same generic emails, ads, and content to everyone. With ABM you identify those companies that you know would be a good fit to buy your product or service. Then, you target those companies with personalized campaigns designed to engage each account.
Steps to Implement Account-Based Marketing
The first step of Account Based Marketing is to find accounts you want to market . Find accounts by filtering certain criteria, then create personas based on these accounts. You can simply find lots of information about a company by searching on Google.
Here are the five steps to Implement Account Based Marketing-
- Discover & Define Your Strategic Accounts (Identify Accounts)
- Research on Selected Accounts using Google or use Data Enrichment Tools
- Define Personalized & Effective Messaging by Researching on Accounts (Create Content)
- Execute Targeted Campaigns on different channels (Launch Campaigns)
- Learn and Measure to Optimize the Campaigns
Discover & Define Your Strategic Accounts (Identify Accounts)
Account identification process
It starts with identification.
LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a great tool to enrich account data.
Account Scoring
Find Decision Maker
Find Influencer
Research on Selected Accounts using Google or use Data Enrichment Tools
Define Personalized & Effective Messaging by Researching on Accounts (Create Content)
Execute Targeted Campaigns on different channels (Launch Campaigns)
Highly Customized Emails: The ability to send an email that is highly personalized, unique to the individual is really a huge step forward when it comes to customer experience. By doing this you will see much more higher conversion rates than generic email.
What to includes with the email-
- Company you are trageting unique challanges / objectives
- Your ability to address challanges
- Relevent case studies
- Related business customers testimonials
- Results or Metrics after implementing your Solution
Drive Awareness
Multi-Channel Approach
Use Facebook Pixels or Google tag manager
Learn and Measure to Optimize the Campaigns
Why it works?
Buyer Journey
account based marketing best practices
Do you need a large team for ABM
ABM requires personalized message. To send personalized message, you will have to research on specific accounts. It's really time consuming and might not be realistic to tackle marketing to specific accounts if have a limited time and resources for marketing. But there are ways to automate account-based marketing as long as you have the right tools.
Utilize Technology
Marketing Technology Stack
Track Customer Behavior
Digging Deeper
Web Personilization
Web Personalization on Individual Accounts:
Web Personalization based on attributes (e.g. industries):